Microfiber vs. Cotton: The Science of Hair Towels
Just what is it about hair towels that makes them so beneficial for your hair? Learn about the science behind microfiber vs. cotton here.

What's the Best Material to Dry Curly Hair?
If you're looking to maximize fluff and minimize damage to your hair, it's time to learn the best way to dry curly hair damage free.

5 Quick and Easy Hair Drying Tips for Any Hair Type
Did you know that there's wrong ways to dry your hair and maximize damage? These hair drying tips will keep your hair shining bright.

The 4 Different Hair Types and How to Care For Them
Whether you have pin-straight hair or curly hair, it can be difficult to know how to maintain it. Discover what's best for all hair types here.

What's the Best Hair Type for Microfiber Hair Towels?
Microfiber is an excellent fabric for hair, but which kind? Does it work for all types? This guide will walk you through the magic of microfiber hair towels.

Cotton vs. Microfiber Hair Towels: What's the Difference?
Both cotton and microfiber can be great for your hair depending on the hair type. What's the difference between cotton vs. microfiber?

7 Tips for How to Prevent Hair Thinning
How can you prevent hair thinning? Take some time to read about a few basic tips for thickening your hair via this short overview.

6 Tips for Using an Absorbent Hair Towel
Do you know how to use an absorbent hair towel? Learn about some techniques here in this helpful breakdown on the subject.

Why Does My Hair Keep Falling Out?
Does your hair keep falling out? Are you searching for answers? Well, take a moment to read about some potential causes paired with solutions here.

Short Hair Towel Wrap and Short Hair Tips
Looking for some short hair tips? How about some techniques for using a short hair towel wrap? Read about some techniques here in this short breakdown.